Sun Fun You

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Well, we finally did it. We launched the Sun Fun You merch store!

It’s really exciting to be able to offer guests Sun Fun You branded memories.

Getting the store together made me think about role of souvenirs, and what some of my favorites are.

  1. painting from Puerto Rica I bought when I was there with my sister and her kids

  2. tattoo from Puerto Rica on my shoulder that matches the one my sis brought home with her

  3. rugs from Istanbul that blanket the floors in every room in my house

  4. serving bowls from Morocco

  5. apron from New Orleans I bought on a girl’s trip

  6. Dogon doors from Mali

  7. Fifa bag from South Africa World Cup trip

  8. painting from Mongolia from the Trans Siberia trip with my sister

  9. poster from Geneva from a trip with my mom and aunt

  10. my greyhound Westy, who is a result of my visit to Oxford

Those are in no particular order, and there are many more. They each spark joy every time I see them. Do you know what’s even more amazing? The friends I’ve collected along the way, whom I met:

  1. at the start of the marathon in Prague

  2. at a French bistro in Frankfurt

  3. at the airport in Istanbul

  4. on Sun Fun You Voyage

  5. working in Buenos Aires

  6. working in Frankfurt

  7. working in Fargo

  8. visiting family in Lithuania

  9. studying abroad in Prague

  10. working out in LA