Sun Fun You

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Active travel (part 2)

I'm a huge advocate of active travel. I believe that how you feel when you get home has a huge impact on your memories of a trip--and if you are active on the trip you're more likely to feel fantastic upon your return. I believe this because I’ve done gluttonous travel. I’ve sat on a plane…to a tour bus…to a cruise ship…to a taxi…to a restaurant…and back. And then I joined a gym when I got home.

Active trips are just more fun. Period.

On my latest vacation to Mexico with my sister I forgot my gym shoes. So, we improvised. Wind sprints on the beach after a long walk. Kicks and punches. Weights. Horseback riding, snorkeling, swimming. As long as you are open minded, you can fill your trip with active fun experiences!

Being active, exploring, playing, learning. That's the essence of our Voyages. Learn about a new place through its land and people and food and history and culture--and learn about yourself along the way. Hike. Look. Breath.

We get all kinds of questions about how much fitness is involved in our Voyages. That’s a hard question to answer, since each guest’s Voyage is unique.

I’m so impressed by people who don’t have any excuses stop them from what they love. Want extra cardio?? Run laps around the boat! 🏃‍♀️(Although I can pretty much promise I will never want to workout so badly that I look at a wooden yacht and see a track! I applaud you if you’re one of those people…and I say “those” lovingly…promise;) )

But I admire that dedication!! The first person I knew who routinely turned a hotel room into a gym was my sister. The first time I remember using a desk and desk chair as workout equipment was our trip to Greece after we graduated from university. 

I’m not opposed to working out; I’d go so far as to say it makes me feel great! But on my own a hotel Room doesn’t stand much of a chance of being converted into a gym!!
That’s probably why I think it’s so important we have trainers on our Voyages!! So guests like me that enjoy a great workout but can’t quite motivate ourselves without outside inspiration can eat and drink all week and still finish the Voyage feeling fit!